use FCGI;
use Socket;
use POSIX qw(setsid);
require ‘syscall.ph’;
#this keeps the program alive or something after exec’ing perl scripts
END() { } BEGIN() { }
*CORE::GLOBAL::exit = sub { die “fakeexitnrc=”.shift().“n”; };
eval q{exit};
if ($@) {
exit unless $@ =~ /^fakeexit/;
sub daemonize() {
chdir ‘/’ or die “Can’t chdir to /: $!”;
defined(my $pid = fork) or die “Can’t fork: $!”;
exit if $pid;
setsid or die “Can’t start a new session: $!”;
umask 0;
sub main {
$socket = FCGI::OpenSocket( “”, 10 ); #use IP sockets
$request = FCGI::Request( *STDIN, *STDOUT, *STDERR, %req_params, $socket );
if ($request) { request_loop()};
FCGI::CloseSocket( $socket );
sub request_loop {
while( $request->Accept() >= 0 ) {
#processing any STDIN input from WebServer (for CGI-POST actions)
$stdin_passthrough =”;
$req_len = 0 + $req_params{‘CONTENT_LENGTH’};
if (($req_params{‘REQUEST_METHOD’} eq ‘POST’) && ($req_len != 0) ){
my $bytes_read = 0;
while ($bytes_read < $req_len) {
my $data = ”;
my $bytes = read(STDIN, $data, ($req_len – $bytes_read));
last if ($bytes == 0 || !defined($bytes));
$stdin_passthrough .= $data;
$bytes_read += $bytes;
#running the cgi app
if ( (–x $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) && #can I execute this?
(–s $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) && #Is this file empty?
(–r $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME}) #can I read this file?
my $pid = open(KID_TO_READ, “-|”);
unless(defined($pid)) {
print(“Content-type: text/plainrnrn”);
print “Error: CGI app returned no output – “;
print “Executing $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} failed !n”;
if ($pid > 0) {
print PARENT_WR $stdin_passthrough;
while(my $s = <KID_TO_READ>) { print $s; }
close KID_TO_READ;
waitpid($pid, 0);
} else {
foreach $key ( keys %req_params){
$ENV{$key} = $req_params{$key};
# cd to the script’s local directory
if ($req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} =~ /^(.*)/[^/]+$/) {
chdir $1;
#fcntl(CHILD_RD, F_DUPFD, 0);
syscall(&SYS_dup2, fileno(CHILD_RD), 0);
#open(STDIN, “<&CHILD_RD”);
die(“exec failed”);
else {
print(“Content-type: text/plainrnrn”);
print “Error: No such CGI app – $req_params{SCRIPT_FILENAME} may not “;
print “exist or is not executable by this process.n”;